Our team includes over 40 skilled rescuers trained in highly specialized techniques developed specifically for the difficult and demanding conditions encountered in uneven terrain above ground and underground. Our medics have provided advanced wilderness medical intervention for over three decades and have been credited with saving countless lives. Our ability to provide ALS medical care deep inside a cave is a service unique to the Cave/Cliff/Technical Unit and sets us apart from other rescue teams in the United States.
We maintain two mobile rehab vehicles capable of supporting large scale rescue operations with food, water, electricity and other services. The Mobile Rehab Unit is vital to keeping rescue personnel hydrated and fed during extended rescues, fires, searches and police investigations. The Mobile Rehab Unit responds anywhere in the Tri-State area at the request of any emergency agency requiring our services.
The goal of SAR is to locate, stabilize and extract individuals in distress. That can mean a hiker on the side of a mountain, a caver, a trapped urban disaster survivor, or an Alzheimer's patient wandering city streets. Each area of SAR employs techniques specific to the circumstance. Our team is highly skilled in SAR techniques to provide assistance to other agencies in the Tri-State area.
Our medical professionals volunteer their services to the community for a variety of events requiring medical personnel on standby. The squad routinely provides medical standby services to road races and charity events in the Chattanooga area. Our team consists of multiple paramedics, several EMTs, trauma nurses, and an emergency room physician.